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Revit API Context

    Revit API Context is the time Revit is ready to execute Revit API code in a safe place. If your code tries to access some Revit API methods outside the Revit API Context probably you gonna receive an Exception: Invalid call to Revit API! Revit… Continue a ler »Revit API Context

    Icons Theme

      I designed some icons using the Autodesk Icon Guidelines to create some Cube and Box icons based on the guidelines, each icon has a light and dark theme for each color and shape. Here is an example of each icon inside Revit 2024, all the… Continue a ler »Icons Theme


      Revit API .Net Core

        Finally, Revit API gonna be updated to .NET Core, at the moment the Revit 2025 Preview is running in .NET Core 7.0, and basically, you need to select the target framework to ‘net7.0-windows’ and select the Revit API references using the package Revit_All_Main_Versions_API_x64 for the… Continue a ler »Revit API .Net Core

        BoundingBox View Filter

          In the Revit Api the FilteredElemetCollector class enables search in the document for elements, and filters could be used to select what you need. BoundingBox filters use the get_BoundingBox of the element to check if the element is inside or interested with an Outline that… Continue a ler »BoundingBox View Filter

          Revit CefSharp

            CefSharp is an easy way to embed a full-featured standards-compliant web browser into your C# and Autodesk Revit uses the CefSharp library internally for several features. The only catch is Revit initializes CefSharp itself, which means if your Revit Addin uses CefSharp that could be… Continue a ler »Revit CefSharp

            Revit API 2024 [Obsolete]

              All the Obsolete methods/properties in the Revit API 2024. The big change in this version is the ElementId that now is the type long or int64. I created some extensions and utils classes to make the transaction more simple. BuiltInParameterGroup is now obsolete in Revit… Continue a ler »Revit API 2024 [Obsolete]


              Update RevitAddin

                Imagine the files below as a bundle for a plugin RevitAddin: I have been using the technique below for years. The PackageContents.xml only gonna load the RevitAddin.Loader.addin that loads an Application in RevitAddin.Loader.dll. The only responsibility of the RevitAddin.Loader.dll is to find the last version… Continue a ler »Update RevitAddin


                  The AppBundle is a standardized format for Autodesk applications. This package format enables the application or addin to be loaded in many different products and versions. This package format is used on Autodesk Softwares: AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds MAX, Maya, Inventor, Navisworks, Vault, Fusion 360. The… Continue a ler »AppBundle


                  The Blob

                    Hello everybody my name is Luiz and this is my blog. Here I gonna share some stuff about Revit, Revit API, programming language, automation, and some curiosity about the development process of Revit application. Sometimes gonna share in English other times in Portuguese my main… Continue a ler »The Blob